Sunday 26 August 2012

Mumbai to Bangalore

I was travelling from Mumbai to Bangalore, after Solapur i had taken all the clips, at that time train was moving very fast with stormy air pressure in front of door of train, then also i had taken many clips. The clips are scattered to state Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh as the railway route goes through the border area. Mountains are far away from Railway track though after super zoom from my camera these are appearing very near. 

Sunday 22 January 2012


All pic are taken by me in different location, different dates. Butterflies are different in colour, very very difficult to take pic of butterfly as they fly most of the time, and if sit then also they are always alert, butterfly immediately fly if it suspects your any movement. so many time i press camera button but get clip with out butterfly as it was flew due to my little movement.

Spider in Jungle

I was taking clips of some flower and suddenly found there is a wild spider rarely present in human habitation, so immediately i took this pic, but there was heavy wind flow so not able to take very nicely.

Wild flowers

These pic are taken by me at Filter pada jungle in Mumbai

Sunday 15 January 2012

Bandit/Dacoit in Gour Malda

This is the entrance of The house of Dacoit, they were doing kali puja before any robbery, so this place is famous as dakat kali mandir in Bengali, after puja the came out by little ship, the water cannel (Mora ganga in Bengali) is shown bellow.   

This pic is the store room of Dacoit, after robbery they were supposed to keep all the valuable in this store room.

Ancient Big wall, Kitchen

This is the Ancient Kitchen in Gour Malda, one more clip is available bellow this pic
This is 22  Ghaji prachir in Bengali, means big wall 1Ghaj=3 fit, thats mean this wall is 66 fit in width, solders were supposed to run through with hourse on this wall to observe the security of inside and outside of wall, the Ancient Gour city was surrounded by this wall to protect any attack from outsider.
My brother Himadyuti Panja who has taken all clip of Gour Malda 

Salami Darwaza

Name of this place is Gour, Gour is located 21 km. south direction from Malda town/city, National highway NH-34 and Gour Malda Railway station both are connected to this great historical place which is unknown to  most of the people, first pic that is a notice board with description shows details of that pic. This pic is taken by my brother Himadyuti Panja.

FiroZ Minar (Gour-Malda)

Name of this place is Gour, Gour is located 21 km. south direction from Malda town/city, National highway NH-34 and Gour Malda Railway station both are connected to this great historical place which is unknown to  most of the people, first pic that is a notice board with description shows details of that pic. This pic is taken by my brother Himadyuti Panja.